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Protein powder

How much protein do I need per day?

According to the guidelines from the Swedish National Food Agency, an adult should consume 0.83 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. So if you weigh 64 kg, you would need 53 g of protein per day. If you consume 2500 kilocalories (kca

What is the difference between protein powder and SLIM?

SLIM can replace 1-2 meals a day, as it is an approved meal replacement, while protein powder is a protein supplement.

Should I use protein powder?

Protein powder is a useful supplement for individuals who struggle to meet their daily protein intake through diet alone or for those who need a convenient way to increase their protein intake.

What is the difference between your various protein powders?

Fat Burning - contains approximately 25g of protein per shake in addition to its 25 vitamins and minerals. It also contains caffeine, yerba mate, and acetyl-l-carnitine to increase fat burning. Suitable for use during workouts but also as a snack.Cle

Can I replace a meal with protein powder since it contains fewer carbohydrates?

To effectively replace a meal, it's necessary to include a certain amount of carbohydrates, fats, protein, and fiber. Protein powder is solely a supplement of protein and therefore cannot replace any meal. In that case, we recommend you look into SLI

Can you use protein powder even if you don't exercise, and should I take it every day?

Yes, absolutely! Protein is a vital source of nutrition, and if you don't get enough protein through your diet, it's appropriate to supplement it. Additionally, studies have shown that people who consume more protein stay fuller for longer and are le

Can you drink protein powder while pregnant or breastfeeding?

You should not consume more than two shakes per day of fat-burning protein powder, as it contains Vitamin A and caffeine, which in larger amounts are not good for the baby.